International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 34-41
Definition of Dharma According To Purva Mimamsa Download PDF
Gede Arisudana Dharmakarma

The concept of Dharma has a central position in the teachings of Purva Mimamsa, an ancient school of Hindu philosophy and religion. Dharma, in the context of Purva Mimamsa, is a moral and spiritual foundation that regulates human behavior, as well as providing guidelines regarding obligations and actions that must be followed in accordance with Vedic teachings. However, a deep understanding of the definition of Dharma according to Purva Mimamsa is still an important research subject in understanding the values and principles in Hindu philosophy. This research uses a text analysis and criticism approach to the classical Purva Mimamsa texts which discuss the concept of Dharma. Primary texts such as the Jaimini Sutras and other works are analyzed in depth to identify and understand the definition of Dharma according to Purva Mimamsa. A philosophical research approach is also applied to explore aspects of metaphysics, epistemology and ethics contained in the Dharma concept. The research results show that according to Purva Mimamsa, Dharma is an obligation or action stated in the Vedic teachings. It includes a set of ritual rules, morality, and social obligations that individuals must live by to maintain cosmic balance and social order. Dharma in Purva Mimamsa is not only a moral obligation, but also a spiritual foundation that forms the basis for justice, truth and harmony in society. The emphasis is on carrying out tasks with selfless devotion and deep understanding of sacred teachings, in order to achieve higher spiritual goals.