International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 74-77
Progress of Alternative Energy Sources Today Download PDF
Topvoldiyev Nodirbek Abdulhamid o'g'li

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the remarkable progress observed in alternative energy sources in recent years. It explores various advancements and developments that have contributed to the growth and adoption of renewable energy technologies. The article highlights key areas of progress, including energy storage solutions, electric vehicles, offshore wind power, concentrated solar power, wave and tidal energy, blockchain technology, green hydrogen, microgrids, and decentralized energy systems. It also discusses the integration of artificial intelligence, the electrification of industries, community-based renewable energy projects, investment trends, and the importance of education and awareness. By examining these facets, the article presents a holistic understanding of the ongoing transition to alternative energy sources and their significant role in building a sustainable and resilient future.