International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 92-95
Social media marketing and its impact on customer purchase intentions of Mukwano manufacturing companies in Uganda Download PDF
Nakimbugwe Sophie, Freeman Crispus

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have become an integral part of how companies interact with and market to potential customers. This study aimed to investigate the impact of social media marketing efforts on customer purchase intentions for companies under the Mukwano Group in Uganda. Through an online survey involving 218 Ugandan social media users, the study examines the effectiveness of Mukwano's social media marketing strategies in influencing consumer behavior. The findings reveal that while Mukwano companies are actively utilizing social media for marketing purposes, their efforts are not significantly impacting purchase decisions. Exposure to social media advertisements did not translate into increased purchase intentions. However, positive word-of-mouth and customer interactions on social media platforms were found to have a positive influence on purchase intentions. The study concludes with recommendations for Mukwano to enhance its social media strategy, better target and engage customers online, and ultimately boost sales. While the company's active presence on social media platforms is commendable, the study reveals a gap between brand exposure and purchase decisions among consumers. Despite exposure to social media advertisements, respondents did not show a significant inclination towards purchasing Mukwano products. Mukwano should prioritize customer engagement and interaction on social media platforms by actively responding to customer queries, addressing concerns, and fostering meaningful conversations. By establishing a two-way communication channel with customers, Mukwano can build trust, strengthen relationships, and increase brand loyalty. Additionally, the company should leverage positive word-of-mouth and user-generated content to amplify its brand message and influence purchase decisions.