International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 100-106
An Evaluation of Teachers' Readiness to Implement the Learner-Centered Curriculum in the Central Region of Uganda Download PDF
Aidah Nambusi, Kisubi Esther Christine

This study evaluates teachers' readiness to implement a learner-centered curriculum in Uganda's Central Region, aligning with global educational trends emphasizing personalized learning experiences. The Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda has embarked on curriculum reforms to foster learner-centered education. However, successful implementation depends on teachers' readiness to embrace and execute these changes. The Central Region, with its diverse urban and rural communities, serves as a focal point for understanding the feasibility and challenges of implementing such reforms. Drawing on established frameworks, a mixed-methods approach is employed, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to assess teachers' perceptions, attitudes, and competencies. The study aims to provide insights for policymakers and educators to design targeted interventions and professional development programs to support teachers in implementing the learner-centered curriculum effectively. By addressing teachers' readiness, this research contributes to the ongoing dialogue on educational reform and enhances the quality of learning experiences for students in Uganda's Central Region.