International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 107-112
Pedagogical Influence of an AI Chatbot Gemini in Mathematics Education Download PDF
Jay Fie P. Luzano, PhD

This study explored the pedagogical influence of an AI Chatbot Gemini in mathematics education by examining its potential to revolutionize teaching and learning to enhance engagement, foster deeper understanding, and address equity gaps in education. This research utilized integrative review to investigate the pedagogical influence of an AI Chatbot Gemini in Mathematics Education. Results showed seven (7) emerging themes: (1) Customized Learning Pathways Enhance Engagement; (2) Interactive Learning Environment Promotes Deeper Understanding; (3) 24/7 Accessibility Bridges the Equity Gap; (4) Gamification Requires Balanced Design for Intrinsic Motivation; (5) Assessment and Feedback Create a Continuous Learning Cycle; (6) Teachers Shift from Instructors to Learning Orchestrators; and (7) Collaboration with AI Navigates Ethical Considerations. It is recommended to establish a collaborative human-AI partnership, capitalizing on the complementary strengths of teachers in socio-emotional learning and nurturing a conducive learning atmosphere and to empower educators and catalyze positive transformations in mathematics education via Gemini and other AI chatbots.