International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 113-118
An Integrative Review of AI-Powered STEM Education Download PDF
Jay Fie P. Luzano, PhD

The education landscape is rapidly changing with the rise of AI, especially in STEM education, where critical thinking and innovation are key. This literature review focused on how mathematics teachers in higher education are adapting to this AI-powered STEM Education. This study employed an integrative review of exploring different studies on AI-powered STEM education. Results showed six (6) emergent key themes: (1) Personalized Learning Paths; (2); AI-powered Tutoring and Feedback; (3) AI-driven Simulations and Gamification; (4) Enhancing Creativity and Problem-Solving; (5) Promoting Equity and Inclusion; and (6) Teacher Training and Support. AI brings a wave of innovation to STEM education, with personalized learning, immersive simulations, and tools to boost creativity and equity. While research shows promise in student engagement and understanding, challenges like algorithmic bias and overreliance on AI feedback require attention. To unlock AI's full potential, the focus may shift towards removing bias, developing inclusive tools, and prioritizing teacher training, ultimately creating a more engaging and equitable learning environment for all STEM students.