International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 119-125
The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on the teaching and learning process in primary schools in Kumi Municipality. Download PDF
Okuman Patrick Moses, Nannono Shamim, Mutaka Dickson

The teaching and learning process in primary schools is characterized by a lot of verbal narrations, too much note taking and rote learning despite the potential offered by ICT resources. In this regard, the study investigated the impact of Information and Communication Technologies on the teaching and learning process in primary schools in Kumi Municipality. The study was conducted using a cross-sectional survey design. 100 participants were selected across the selected primary schools. Questionnaire, interviews and an observation checklist were used in data collection. The findings of the study showed that the use of ICTs in teaching and learning process allows pupils to integrate evidence in their work; simplifies educational research by both teachers and pupils; improves retention academic concepts by pupils, promotes active participation of learners during lessons and enables pupils to develop understanding and interpretation skills. The study concluded that the adoption of ICT resources in teaching process positively impact on the teaching process in primary schools and must be adopted with immediate effect. The study recommended that government needs to subsidize internet fees; provide adequate infrastructure to support e-learning; schools need to subscribe to legit sources of historical information; schools need to provide funds for electricity, maintenance and repair of the systems and teachers need massive training.