International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 129-139
Exploring the Influence of Pre-service Teachers' Self-Efficacy on Academic Procrastination: A Regression Analysis Download PDF
Allan Cris T. Damasco, Renzo Roy C. Cane, Jhon Wins C. Mamon, & Jay Fie P. Luzano

This study investigated the levels of self-efficacy and academic procrastination of Pre-service Social Studies students. It also seeks to answer if self-efficacy significantly predicts academic procrastination. It was conducted at Bukidnon State University (BukSU) Annex- Casisang, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, and at Valencia Colleges Inc. (VCI) Valencia City, Bukidnon. A modified version of AlQudah's (2014) Self-efficacy and Academic Procrastination scale was utilized in gathering the data. The data gathered used the statistical techniques; mean & standard deviation and simple linear regression. Based on the result, it was found that Social Studies students have high self-efficacy levels. It was also shown that they have moderate academic procrastination levels. In terms of the correlation between self-efficacy and academic procrastination, it was described that there is a weak positive correlation between them. In terms of the percentage of variance, it was found that self-efficacy can only explain 1.83% of academic procrastination. Additionally, self-efficacy does not significantly predict academic procrastination. Therefore, future researchers may conduct qualitative studies about other factors that contribute to students who exhibit academic procrastination.