International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 179-200
The Crime of False Testimony Download PDF
Besan S. Abu Nasser and Marwan M. Saleh

This study addressed Article 113 of Palestinian Penal Law No. (74) of 1936, which considers witness testimony one of the oldest and most important forms of evidence relied upon by courts, especially in criminal cases. False testimony can lead to the conviction of an innocent person or the acquittal of a criminal, and false testimony, being spontaneous and not premeditated, lacks prior agreement between the parties. Palestinian Penal Law highlights false testimony as an act authorized by law that harms the rights of others. Considering false testimony in any substantive detail as a crime serves the purpose of general deterrence. The concept of laws punishing false testimony is not new, as it has been known since the early stages of human civilization in tribal societies, ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, and divine religions, which strongly condemn false testimony as a major sin. The study concludes by elucidating the elements, components, and penalties for the crime of false testimony.