International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 11-18
Enhancing Workplace Safety and Efficiency via Ergonomics and Office Management Systems Download PDF
Aisha Nalugya, Muyunga Godfrey, Kibirige David, Kanyana Ruth

Ergonomics, rooted in the Greek words "ergon" (work) and "nomoi" (natural laws), optimizes product design for enhanced human usability. This paper explores ergonomics' pivotal role in office and workplace productivity and innovation. Examining human dynamics and factors like vision and temperature, it addresses digital age stress points, particularly in computer-dominated workspaces. Emphasizing Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), the study underscores the historical evolution of ergonomics and its profound impact on productivity. Recognizing productivity's global economic importance, the study highlights human resources as a key determinant. It establishes a link between ergonomics availability and improved productivity, urging a comprehensive approach to enhance workplace conditions. The paper further explores workplace innovation's often-overlooked influence on safety, health, human resources, management changes, worker participation, policy, and training. It posits that such innovation fosters radical changes, contributing to enhanced profitability. In conclusion, the study advocates a holistic understanding of ergonomics for workplace productivity and innovation. Empowering employees with control over their surroundings and embracing innovation creates environments conducive to sustainable development and economic growth.