International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 26-31
Synergizing Safety Management Systems: Alleviating Hazards, Evaluating Risks, and Improving Workplace Safety in Construction Environments Download PDF
Muyunga Godfrey ,Aisha Nalugya, Kibirige David, Kanyana Ruth

This paper highlights the essential need for integrating safety management systems within the complex context of construction environments, recognizing the inherent hazards. It advocates for a comprehensive approach to improve workplace safety, emphasizing hazard identification, risk evaluation, and ongoing enhancement of safety protocols. It still seeks to reveal the diverse risks associated with construction activities, guiding the development of targeted safety measures for both worker protection and project integrity. The exploration of advanced risk assessment methodologies and the integration of technology aims to provide a nuanced comprehension of the dynamic risk landscape, facilitating the implementation of proactive safety measures. The study's findings, incorporate innovations that provide practical guidance for industry stakeholders, offering valuable insights for construction professionals, regulatory bodies, and policymakers. In conclusion, the paper delineates a comprehensive framework for harmonizing safety management systems in construction, presenting a guide to cultivating a safety culture beyond compliance and promoting continual improvement in construction safety practices.