International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 8-13
Pre-service Immersion of English Major College Student Teachers Download PDF
Ismael C. Casquejo, Ed. D.

Utilizing education to its full capacity starts with how prospective teachers are prepared for college. The education landscape has changed in recent years. Following this, teacher education should respond to the needs of the time. Curriculum changes should match the existing situation in schools. Adding relevant or removing unnecessary subjects is essential. Among the subjects, one crucial is the pre-teaching course. During this time, education students are called practice teachers. Practice teaching will bring the reality the teaching profession encounters every day. It prepares the education students for the eventualities that they will face when they become fully pledged teachers. On account of these realities, this study tackles the expectations, difficulties, and possible development of the pre-teaching program in Tanauan City National High School together with colleges or institutes that send practice teachers to the said secondary school.