International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 117-122
Le Burundi dans le " bol de spaghettis " en Afrique de l'Est : un facteur majeur à l'origine des contre-performances et du déficit de son intégration commerciale Download PDF

The aim of this article is to show that Burundi's multiple membership of the various integration frameworks of the East African region is at the root of its trade integration deficit and its underperformance in terms of regional integration in general. The methodology adopted is mixed, based on documentary methods, interviews and quantitative data on regional integration. To this end, the finding is that Burundi is immersed in the spaghetti bowl of East Africa, resulting in trade and institutional inefficiencies. These inefficiencies weigh heavily on Burundi's trade integration mechanisms. It is therefore more than urgent for Burundi to make the strategic choice of integration by strengthening its sub-regional integration within the EAC (East African Community), while abandoning the rest of its sub-regional integration. This will enable it to make the most of the advantages of regional integration, capitalizing on the strength of regional integration from below within the EAC. This strength of integration from below stems from the abundance of fixed factors of commercial attraction shared within the said community, namely the common language (Kiswahili), common history, common geographical and climatic conditions (Great Lakes region) and common cultural heritage.