International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 72-81
Families' Earthquake Preparedness and Practices Before, During and After an Earthquake Download PDF
Loreno P. Norcioa, Ma. Melecia A. De Chavez,Welnie P. Lunar, Eunice L. De Guzman

With Philippines being prone to earthquake, Ong (2021) recommended to educate Filipinos on various earthquake preparedness measures. This study aims to craft an action plan that addresses the weaknesses of the families on the identified earthquake preparedness survey. This study was conducted on 607 families catered for by the SDRRM-CNHS utilizing a DepEd questionnaire on Family Earthquake Preparedness. The data gathered underwent the following statistical treatment: mean, standard deviation, frequency, and percentage. Based on the results of the study, families graded themselves to be highly prepared on the things to do before, during and after an earthquake. Many of the families show readiness and preparedness for earthquakes as they have planned things before, during and after an earthquake. However, still a small portion of the samples are unaware of basic preparedness procedures such as Duck, Cover and Hold. With these results, it is recommended to follow the action plan of the study that is to be included in the activities of the SDRRM-CNHS and all other subjects where integration can be done. Proper and multimodal dissemination of the information is recommended, too.