International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 29-37
The Study of Myths and Cultural Values in Tantu Panggelaran Manuscript Download PDF
I Made Suastika; Luh Putu Puspawati; Putu Ari Suprapta

In brief, Tantu Panggelaran talks about the inhabitation of humans in the land of Java by Bhatara Guru, the lecture about the human life system, and the translocation of Mount Mahameru from India to Java which was compiled with various stories about the lives of Bhatara Guru and his consort, namely Bhatari Uma along with the gods while they were in Java. At first, it was stated that in ancient times the island of Java was still vacant with no humans inhabited. Because of that, Batara Guru sent Sang Hyang Brahma and Vishnu to create a couple of humans as the trailblazer of humanity in the land of Java. They immediately clenched the soil to create humans. Batara Brahma created a male being while Batara Vishnu created a female being. Be a couple of humans with stunning appearances looking likely a perfect form of a god, they brought mankind to Java. The place where Batara Brahma and Vishnu made humans was then called Mount Pawinihan. Moreover, this text also contains myths, religious values, and cultures.