International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 48-53
Dynamics of Gamification in Tertiary Mathematics Education in the Philippines Download PDF
Jay Fie P. Luzano, PhD

Gamification has become a transformative educational approach, utilizing game design elements to enhance learning experiences and outcomes. This study employed a systematic review to examine gamification dynamics in tertiary mathematics education in the Philippines. Findings showed five (5) emerging themes on dynamics of gamification in tertiary mathematics education in the Philippines, namely; (1) Enhance Engagement and Motivation; (2) Improve Conceptual Understanding and Retention; (3) Promote Collaborative Learning; (4) Foster a Positive Attitude towards Mathematics; and (5) Adapt to Technological Advances and Accessibility. The study of gamification in tertiary mathematics education in the Philippines highlights its significant benefits in enhancing student engagement, motivation, understanding, retention, collaborative learning, and attitudes, transforming traditional challenges into interactive and enjoyable learning experiences that prepare students for future technological and professional challenges. To maximize the benefits of gamification in tertiary mathematics education in the Philippines, it is recommended that educators receive training, further research be conducted on long-term effects, institutions invest in accessible platforms, and collaboration between policymakers, educators, and developers be strengthened to promote widespread adoption.