International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 64-73
Forms Of Maintaining Bali Culture In Pasraman Gurukula Bangli Download PDF
Dewi Pusparini; I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana; I Nyoman Subagia

This research aims to investigate forms of maintaining Balinese culture at Pasraman Gurukula Bangli. Through a qualitative approach, we conducted participant observations, in-depth interviews, and document analysis to understand the practices carried out at Pasraman to maintain and promote Balinese cultural heritage. Our findings show that Pasraman Gurukula Bangli has a significant role in maintaining Balinese cultural identity through education, rituals and daily activities. Teachers at Pasraman act as spiritual leaders who guide students in understanding and respecting Balinese traditions. Religious rituals and traditional ceremonies in Pasraman provide an important platform for the community to practice and celebrate their cultural heritage. The conclusions of this research emphasize the importance of cooperation between educational institutions, the community and the government in maintaining and preserving cultural heritage that is valuable for the future of Bali. By continuing to support Pasraman Gurukula Bangli and similar institutions, we can ensure that Bali's cultural heritage remains alive and thriving for future generations. This abstract provides a brief overview of the research findings and implications for maintaining Balinese culture at Pasraman Gurukula Bangli.