International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research (IJAAFMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 152-155
The effect of Return on Assets, Book Value, Working Capital Turnover, and Earning Per Share on Stock Prices in Industrial companies Download PDF
(Assistant Professor) Mohammad Yousef Alghadi,

The stock price is an important factor in the company, this stock price is very important for investors to invest in a company where he will invest, because later by investing he expects profits from the company. This study aims to determine how the influence of return on assets, book value, working capital turnover, and earning per share on stock prices. Sampling in this study used 32 Jordanian industrial companies for the period 2017-2023. To test the hypothesis the method used is the statistical method of testing multiple regression data. It was found that the return on assets, book value, and earning per share, has a significant positive effect on stock prices while the price to working capital turnover variable has a significant and negative effect on stock prices. Investors can use the implications of the study's findings to inform their investment decisions by considering the financial characteristics of the company, specifically ROA, BV, WCT, and EPS.