International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 81-86
Fostering Academic Resilience in Mathematics on Flexible Learning Download PDF
Jay Fie P. Luzano, PhD

Academic resilience, as the ability to handle academic challenges and setbacks, is crucial for success, especially in difficult subjects like mathematics. This systematic review employed a comprehensive search strategy to identify relevant studies on fostering academic resilience in mathematics through flexible learning. Results revealed five (5) emerging themes on fostering academic resilience in mathematics on flexible learning, namely; (1) Emphasizing a Growth Mindset; (2) Building Self-Efficacy; (3) Incorporating Problem-Based Learning; (4) Providing Social-Emotional Support; and (5) Continuous Feedback and Reflection. Fostering academic resilience in mathematics through flexible learning involves developing a growth mindset, building self-efficacy, incorporating problem-based learning, providing social-emotional support, and ensuring continuous feedback and reflection, all of which help students navigate mathematical challenges effectively. Educational institutions may integrate these themes into their mathematics curricula, train educators accordingly, and invest in technology and social-emotional support to create flexible learning environments that enhance student resilience and success in mathematics.