International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 28-35
ECOWAS Mechanisms for Democratic Consolidation in West Africa: Lesson from the 2016 Political Impasse in the Gambia Download PDF
Abdoukabirr Daffeh

The study explores the mechanisms of ECOWAS that restored democratic governance in the Gambia after the 2016 Presidential election. The study uses a case study research design and triangulation of data to explore the ECOWAS institution and Mechanisms that help consolidate democratic governance in the Gambia. This method helps me to compare different sources of data to establish a broad understanding of the mechanisms of ECOWAS that foster democratic consolidation in the Gambia. The finding revealed that the political Impasse in the Gambia in 2016 was caused by errors made by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in the vote's tabulation. Even though former President Jammeh initially accepted the results and congratulated President Elect-Barrow, the findings show that this mistake by the IEC made Jammeh renege on his decision. The finding shows that ECOWAS stood by the Gambian people to restore democracy through its ECOMIG intervention mission and through proactive mediation and preventive diplomacy, which saw Jammeh leave the country on 19 January 2017 to Equatorial Guinea. The study recommends institutional reforms and strengthening civil society and media to help consolidate democracy in the Gambia. The study also recommends the government of the Gambia and ECOWAS foster national unity and strengthen security sector reform in the Gambia as a recipe for democratic consolidation and sustainable development.