International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 151-154
Culturally Responsive Teaching: Enhancing Reading Proficiency in Indigenous Kindergarten Learners Download PDF
Riches L. Tortola, PhD

In modern education discussions, there's a growing concern over equitable learning outcomes, highlighted by the enduring achievement gap, especially in early literacy proficiency, between Indigenous and non-indigenous students, which mirrors broader disparities rooted in historical, cultural, and socio-economic factors. This study utilized a narrative literature review to explore the theme of "Culturally Responsive Teaching: Enhancing Reading Proficiency in Indigenous Kindergarten Learners." The focus was investigating teachers' experiences within the Division of Bukidnon's elementary education institutions. This inquiry aligns with the expanding body of literature on culturally responsive teaching and its potential impact on teaching methods and student learning outcomes within Indigenous community education. Before delving into a comprehensive review, a preliminary scoping review was conducted to assess the availability of relevant literature, specifically in the context of the Division of Bukidnon. The initial exploration revealed a scarcity of research on this topic, indicating a need for further investigation. Findings revealed five (5) emerging perceptions and responses to, such as (1) Importance of culturally Relevant Pedagogy and (2) Challenges and Solutions in Culturally Responsive Teaching. (3) Parental Involvement and Support, Four (4) Policy Implications and Recommendations, Fifth (5) Professional Development and Training. Prioritizing professional development programs focused on cultural sensitivity is recommended to empower educators with the knowledge and skills to create inclusive learning environments, ultimately improving reading achievement for Indigenous kindergarten students. This ongoing investment equips teachers to leverage the strengths students bring from their communities and nurture a love of learning that respects their cultural heritage. Culturally relevant pedagogy bridges the gap between indigenous students' cultural backgrounds and the school environment, fostering a more engaging and practical learning experience.