International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 174-193
Evaluating Technology Integration in the Philippines: A Narrative Review on Enhancing Elementary Teachers' Classroom Management Practices Download PDF
Riches L. Tortola, PhD

The evolving classroom now blends traditional methods with digital tools, presenting educators with the challenge of effectively integrating technology to foster a well-managed learning environment. However, there is inadequate evidence regarding its efficacy in promoting effective classroom management, particularly in developing countries such as the Philippines. This study utilized a narrative literature review to explore the efficacy of technology integration in promoting effective classroom management practices of teachers in the Philippines. Findings revealed five (5) themes emerged for the challenges in assessing efficacy of technology integration in promoting effective classroom management practices of teachers, such as (1) Importance of Technology Integration in Classroom Management (2) Strategies for Effective Classroom Management with Technology (3) Impact of Technology Integration on Student Behavior and Engagement (4) Professional Development for Teachers in Technology Integration (5) Ethical Considerations and Data Privacy in Technology Integration. Effective classroom management with technology, through clear instructions, student technical support teams, and engaging resources, enhances student behavior and engagement while addressing ethical considerations and ensuring ongoing professional development for teachers. While technology integration in classrooms can enhance engagement and personalize learning, its success hinges on strategic planning, teacher training, and addressing ethical and data privacy concerns to create a safe and secure learning environment. By prioritizing teacher training in technology skills and pedagogy alongside clear data privacy policies, schools can unlock technology's potential to create engaging classrooms that empower students.