International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 288-291
Key Factors Influencing Poor Reading Comprehension: A Qualitative Exploratory Study Download PDF
Riches L. Tortola, PhD

Reading comprehension, vital for academic achievement and continual learning, poses a significant challenge globally as a considerable portion of the population grapples with this fundamental skill, hindering educational progress worldwide. The study Identifying Key Variables in Poor Reading Comprehension: An Exploratory Study seeks to investigate the underlying factors influencing students' deficient reading comprehension. This study utilized a narrative literature review to Key Variables in Poor Reading Comprehension; An Initial Exploratory Study. Findings revealed (5)five immerging themes (1)cognitive abilities(2) language skills(3) environmental factors, to gain a better understanding of the underlying causes of reading comprehension difficulties(4)Environmental factors(5)Metacognitive strategies. The findings suggest that fostering a love of reading and promoting intrinsic motivation can positively influence reading comprehension outcomes, emphasizing the importance of creating engaging and meaningful reading experiences for students.