International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 1-11
The Media Coverage of the Issue of Palestinian Youth Migration from the Gaza Strip in News Websites Download PDF
Basma Sami Abu Nasser and Wisam Abdul Rahim Radwan

The study aimed to identify how electronic news websites dealt with the issue of immigration of Palestinian youth, to determine the extent of news websites' interest in the issue of immigration, and to identify the sources on which electronic news websites relied in addressing the issue. This study is a descriptive study, and the researchers used the media survey method. And the content analysis tool to analyze the content of a sample from (Wafa Agency website, Sabq 24 agency website, Shams News Agency website) for a month from October 17 to November 17 of 2022. The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: The electronic news websites did not give the issue of Palestinian youth immigration the necessary importance, so they published 37 press articles about the issue, and the official sources are considered at the forefront of the press sources that the websites relied on in covering the issue, as it came by 78.17%, and the press news occupied It ranked first among other editorial arts in covering the issue with a rate of 94.6%, and the news target was the predominant target of websites in covering the issue of immigration, with a rate of 84.09%.