International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 36-40
Classroom Management In The Digital Era: The Use Of Learning Management System (Lms) In Improving Learning Quality Download PDF
Putri Riza Febriana Aurellia, Nurul Umamah, Anis Syatul Hilmiah

The topic of this article is about classroom management in the digital era using the Learning Management System (LMS). Classroom management continues to undergo changes that are designed in accordance with digital developments in order to meet the needs of students. The development of digitalization has made new innovations in classroom management. In the independent curriculum, students have the freedom to learn and varied teaching media adapted to technological advances. This is of course to fulfill the learning objectives to be achieved. The purpose of this research is to find out the use of Learning Management System (LMS) in classroom management to improve the quality of learning. The writing method in this article uses a library research method that takes data sources from relevant theories. From this method, it produces a research that can be known that the learning model with the help of LMS can effectively improve the quality of learning and improve the results and motivation of students in learning. LMS is also very helpful for teachers in organizing learning. Teachers can do planning, implementation, and evaluation more easily and all learning activities are well recorded.