International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 59-62
The Influence Of Local Content Of Traditional Arts In History Subjects On The Motivation Of High School Students Download PDF
Niken Ayu Rahasti, Nurul Umamah, Anis Syatul Hilmiah

Local history is a type of historical learning that must be understood by students as part of society. Through local history, students can get to know past events that occurred in an area in a structured and detailed manner. This research aims to examine the influence of local content of traditional arts in history subjects on the learning motivation of high school students. The research method used is literature study, by collecting and analyzing various relevant literature from books, journals and other academic sources. The research results show that the integration of traditional arts in history learning can significantly increase students' learning motivation. Traditional art taken from local culture makes learning material more relevant and interesting for students, so that they are more involved and enthusiastic in the learning process. In addition, this approach is in line with the concept of Merdeka Belajar, which gives teachers the freedom to develop innovative and contextual learning methods.