International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 141-143
Empowerment of Rural Communities in Disaster Mitigation in Walidono Village Download PDF
Heidiah Waskito Rini, Dr. Nurul Umamah

It is important for every member of the community to have knowledge and understanding of disaster issues, community participation is the most important role in activities to deal with tornado disasters which are based on the knowledge and abilities possessed by the community. As a result of the tornado disaster, people suffered incalculable damage, for example loss of property, livestock, agricultural crops and plantations. Walidono Village is one of the villages in Prajekan subdistrict, Bondowoso Regency that was affected by the tornado. So the aim of this activity is to increase knowledge about various handling problems related to environmental damage, mitigation and disaster management that often occur in Walidono Village. The method used is in the form of socialization/counseling regarding environmental damage and disasters. Based on the results of this activity, participants were able to understand the impact of environmental damage, disaster mitigation and post-disaster can run smoothly and need further approaches so as to open participants' insight and mindset in understanding the environment.