International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 162-170
Key Notes On Prioritizing Men's Mental Health: Breaking Down Stigmas And Fostering Support Download PDF
Dr. Amanawa, David Ebiegberi

Mental health issues affecting men are a growing concern worldwide, yet they remain primarily stigmatized and under-addressed. Traditional masculine norms often dictate that men should be strong, stoic, and self-sufficient, leading to a reluctance to seek help or acknowledge emotional vulnerability. This stigma can have severe consequences, including delayed diagnosis, inadequate treatment, and poor health outcomes. This paper argues that prioritizing men's mental health requires breaking down these damaging stereotypes and fostering a culture of openness, acceptance, and support. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, this study identifies the key factors contributing to the stigma surrounding men's mental health, including societal expectations of masculinity, lack of awareness about mental health issues, and inadequate access to resources. It also explores the psychological, social, and cultural barriers that prevent men from seeking help and discusses the importance of empowering men to prioritize their mental well-being. The paper proposes strategies for reducing stigma and promoting support for men's mental health, including increasing education and awareness about mental health issues, developing male-specific mental health programs and services, and encouraging peer-to-peer support networks. By shedding light on the critical importance of addressing men's mental health and promoting a culture of openness and acceptance, this research aims to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of this pressing issue and inform the development of effective interventions to promote men's mental well-being.