International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 241-251
Use of Digital Platforms in 21st Century History Learning: Case Study of Website Use in Senior High Schools Download PDF
Kharisma Lutfiyatul Ilmiyah, Nurul Umamah, Anis Syatul Hilmiah

The use of technology in education has undergone a significant transformation, especially in the context of 21st century history learning. History learning today demands the application of technology to facilitate a more interactive and interesting learning experience. This research aims to explore the use of digital platforms in history learning, with a special focus on the application of websites as learning media in high schools. This study uses qualitative research methods to analyze the effectiveness, resistance, and benefits of using websites in the context of history learning. Data was collected through literature study related to relevant literature. The research results show that the use of websites as a digital platform in history learning increases student engagement, improves historical and critical thinking skills, facilitates access to more diverse learning resources, and enriches the learning experience through interactive multimedia content. However, this research also identified several challenges, such as limited internet access and the need to increase digital competence among teachers. In conclusion, the integration of digital platforms, especially websites, in history learning has great potential to increase learning effectiveness, as long as it is supported by adequate infrastructure. These findings provide important insights for the development of web-based learning media and learning strategies in the digital era and provide support for the integration of technology in history learning. This shows that the use of websites can be an effective tool in facilitating the history learning process in high schools. This research also provides a basis for further research in the development and implementation of other digital platforms in history learning. Further research could be carried out to explore various aspects of the use of digital technology in the broader context of history learning.