International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 74-79
Study of Metallurgical Analysis of the Process of Recovery of Chalcopyrite with Minerals and Metals Download PDF
Toshpulatov D.D., Khojiev Sh.T., Rakhmatalev Sh.A., Berdiyarov B.T.

It is not known how the name of the mineral came to be. It is believed to be related to the name of a place called Magnesia (in Macedonia) or to the name of the shepherd Magnes. Synonym: magnetic ironstone. Singoniya kubik. The color is black as iron. The line is black. Its luster is like metal. Hardness - 5.5-6 Specific gravity 4.9 - 5.2 Strength - brittle Connection plane - no. Origin, association, deposits, practical significance. In igneous rocks it is in the form of sparse grains. Magnetite is found in small amounts in many pegmatite veins. Contact is more common in metasomatic and hydrothermal conditions. The formation of magnetite under exogenous conditions can occur only under specific conditions. The main component of the black sands that can be washed from the golden sands is magnetite. Aluminothermy, alyumo-thermal (aluminum and Greek therme - heat) - a method of obtaining metals and alloys by returning metal oxides with aluminum; When a powder mixture of a metal oxide and a metallic aluminum is heated to a high temperature, a heat of up to 3000 °C is released, and the iron is easily recovered from its oxide due to the excess heat released. If a wire is stretched by mixing aluminum and iron oxides (FeO + Fe2O3), the course of a very intense exothermic reaction has been studied several times in practice. This process is widely used in the welding of train rails: 8Al + 3Fe3O4 = 4Al2O3 + 9Fe + 3300 kJ. As a result of the reaction, the mixture is heated to 3500 ° C. Therefore, recovery processes with aluminum are autogenous processes.