International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research (IJAAFMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 32-40
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Strategies Used in Developing SMEs in Tanzania (The Case of Dodoma City Council) Download PDF
Nyabakora, Wakara Ibrahimu, Mnada, Mligo, Samanya, Eliakundi

The research was to assess the effectiveness of the strategies used by Dodoma City Council in developing SMEs. The city was chosen due to the fact that it comprises both rural and urban characteristics. The research uses cross-sectional research design, where data is collected once and in large subjects in such a way that various issues are studied, like the behaviours and altitudes of the respondents. Both primary and secondary data were collected using structured questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions, while in data analysis, a combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods was used. The study found that the strategies to develop SMEs are effective but have only been partially implemented. Regardless of the low entrepreneurial knowledge that small business practitioners have, SMEs development programs in Tanzania are not effectively implemented. The government formulates programs but leaves them partly implemented and partly unimplemented. It is found that LGAs link SMEs to financial institutions but leave them with no training regarding fund management, which results in many SMEs falling into bankruptcy and causing non-performing loans to financial institutions that end in economic failure. The findings will be used by the local government authorities to widen the SMEs development programs and train the SMEs on SMEs' growth and development programs, something that was perceived to be done by the government, though it was left in between the implementation process.