International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 168-171
Toward Parents and School Partnership: An Evaluation of the EAC-Manila High School Parents' General Orientation Program Download PDF
Juzy Laygo-Saguil, Ph. D. and Ed Allen R. Uriarte

This study aims to evaluate the Parents' General Orientation Program of the Emilio Aguinaldo College- Manila, High School Department for the A.Y. 2022-2023. The parents were invited to an in-person General Orientation Program and were given a walkthrough of the school processes. Parents of Junior and Senior High School students who attended the event were surveyed to give feedback through Google form. Of the 1,028 expected attendees, 439 attended the program, and 190 parents answered the survey form. The quantitative part of the survey focused on the purpose, execution, and setting of the program. The second part addressed the parents' concerns and questions about their children's schooling. Majority of the parents' concerns were on the granting of the voucher program, conduct of face-to-face classes, books and uniforms, documentary requirements, and other related issues about the curriculum, payment procedures, student discipline, and the like. The result of this study would be the basis for the future conduct of similar events. This would also aid in the delivery and improvement of services, instruction, and quality of education in the department.