International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 102-113
Estimate The Stress Peaks By Using Double Complex ZZ Transform Download PDF
Rehab Ali Khudair; Enas Yahya Abdullah; Athraa Neamah Albukhuttar

the stress peaks of the human knee joint in standing and swing phase is presented in this article , as well as relationship between the stress peaks in the knee joint and determines the state of health or disease of the adult knee for resultant joint force using mathematical model is developed to calculating where using a relatively simple single algebraic equation and used the double complex ZZ transformation as a powerful tool to obtain a solution to the stress peaks and the model .It can be readily applied to estimate the stress peaks in knee joint in the most everyday activities . This is demonstrated by analyzing the data on the resultant knee force obtained from using a 12 mathematical program where a stance period of gait of cycle is considered .