International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 9-13
Factors Influencing Students' Writing in English language at Secondary Schools Download PDF
Magzoub Alsaid Ahmed Mohammed , Zain Al abdeen Abd Alslam Anour , Hassan Ibraheem, Malikat Aldar Eissa Albakheet

the present study was conducted in shekan locality during the period (2017-2018), this study investigates the factors influencing students' writing in English Language at secondary school, The problem of the Study was that the students are unable to write a composition ,a paragraph or correct sentence. The objective of the study to identify the factors effective teaching approaches should use to improve Students' writing skills. The study adopted the descriptive statistical analytical approach. The simple random sample of 40 secondary school teachers were selected from the total population 120 teachers of English language in Shekan locality. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to the teachers and the collected data were statistically analyzed by SPSS- version 16 using chi- square test for independence- the survey found that 85.5% of the respondents said that some teachers are still un trained, and the vast majority of the respondents represented 95% stated that overcrowded class also consider as a reason of deterioration of writing at secondary level, 82% believed that increase five English lessons per week instead of four English lessons per week in addition to the lack of teaching aids have stated by 85% of the respondents, the study concluded that knowing grammar and correct spelling , That facilitate writing English Language. The study recommended that all the activities of writing should be taught properly in the classroom. Teacher and student should be aware of importance of good writing. Also increasing lessons per week, teaching aids should be added at secondary schools.