International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 54-58
Transformational Learning Experiences on Productive-Failure Approach in Mathematics Download PDF
Jay Fie P. Luzano, PhD

A learning failure is not always a denial of knowledge but an opportunity to be productive in the academic pursuit in the field of mathematics. This qualitative case study explored the students' experiences with the utilization of the Productive-Failure Approach in teaching Mathematics. This employed thematic analysis to analyze the qualitative data from the ten (10) BSEd Mathematics students via Individual Interviews and Focus-Group Discussion. Findings revealed four (4) emergent themes on the utilization of the productive-failure approach in mathematics: (1) prior knowledge activation in mathematics; (2) engaging mathematics learning processes; (3) exerting effort in learning mathematics; and (4) involvement and interaction in learning mathematics. The findings of this study signify that the use of the Productive-Failure Approach helped the students thrive in the learning process; thus, it is recommended that mathematics teachers strengthen their utilization of the Productive-Failure Approach in teaching Mathematics.