International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2024 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 64-68
Using Rombric acceleration to numerically improve the results of values ??of double integrals Download PDF
Nada A.M.AL.KARAMAY and Rana Hassan hilal abdolah

The main goal of this research is to numerically calculate double integrals with continuous integrals.Using the MT method ((the combined method of using the R rumbrack acceleration method with the trapezoidal rule on the outer dimension Y and Mid -point rule on the inner dimensionX,when the number of partial periods into which the external integration period is divided is equal to the number of partial periods into which the internal integration period is divided, it gives good results in terms of accuracy and speed of approaching the real value, and thus the method of calculating double integrals numerically can be relied upon.