Vol. 6 - Issue 10 (October - 2022)

Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation in the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria
Authors: OGHENEVWEGBA, Elo-oghene and IWEGBUE, Chinwenwa Nelly
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises, Proactiveness, Innovations, Risk Taking Propensity and Competitive Aggressiveness
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Using The Cochran's Q Test to Identify Ordinary Drivers' Impact on Road Traffic Accidents
Authors: Jamolov Saidkamolhon Khusankhon ugli
Keywords: road safety, traffic accident factors, Cochran's Q test analysis, statistics.
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The Position of the Ghazal Genre in Uzbekistan (Composition, Nature, Perfection)
Authors: Mehmon Narzikulov
Keywords: genealogy, tajik poetry, Uzbekistan, science, lyrics.
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The Nexus of Work-Life Balance and Employee Performance in Selected Banks in Anambra State, Nigeria
Authors: Okafor, Nnenna Dorothy; Okeke, M N ; Mbah, Stella I
Keywords: Work-life balance, Flexible working arrangements, Employee performance, Anambra State and Banks.
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Transparency and Integrity in Nigeria Listed Firms (The Saints and Sinners Behaviour toward Corporate Performance)
Authors: Agbadua Oyakhiromhe Bamidele (Ph.D), Obomeile Cyril, Ohiokha I. Friday (Ph.D)
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Transparency, Integrity, Corporate Performance, Saints and Sinners Firms
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Accounting disclosure on Human Resources and its Impact in Evaluating Performance in Institutions of Higher Education in Sudan (Case study ofAlneileen and Al-Jazira University and Sennar University)
Authors: Dr. Ahmed Alfateh Ata Almanan Abd Alraheem
Keywords: Human Resources, Accounting disclosure, Evaluating Performance
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Impact of Intelecuall Capital in Evaluating Performance in Institutions of Higher Education in Sudan (Case study of Alneileen and Al-Jazira University and Sennar University)
Authors: Dr. Ahmed Alfateh Ata Almanan Abd Alraheem
Keywords: Intelluall Capital, knowledge Economy, Evaluation Performance
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Systematic Review Suggests Government Policy as Key Factor of Rising Health Care Expenditures
Authors: Allen Halterman, CPhT, BS; Jaini Bhavsar, MPharm; Fnu Muskan, MS; Nicole Wright, RDH, BSDH; Sandra Collins, MBA, PhD
Keywords: Health care expenditures, health care prices, inflation in the United States, and medical costs
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Employee Loyalty and Organizational Resilience of Commercial Banks in Rivers State
Authors: Nwiyii, Blessing Joseph (Ph.D.). Amanawa, Ebiegberi David (Ph.D.). Micah, Nyone Uelee (Ph.D.).
Keywords: Employee Loyalty, Organizational Resilience, Alertness, Agility, and Flexibility
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Dynamics in the Financial Markets of Europe in the Reflection of Streaming Financial Futures
Authors: Vyacheslav Lyashenko, Svitlana Stepurina, Tetyana Novikova
Keywords: valuation; dynamics; quotes; financial market; financial futures; streaming data; statistical analysis; wavelet coherence
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The Impact of Quality of Financial Information Statements on Reducing the Expectations Gap of Users of Accounting Information - A Field Study Sample of Sudanese Banks
Authors: Dr. Ahmed Alfateh Ata Almanan Abd Alraheem
Keywords: Quality of accounting information - Financial lists - Expectations gap.
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The Impact of Quality of Financial Reporting Information in Reducing Financial and Administrative Corruption (Field study on a sample of Sudanese Banks)
Authors: Dr.Ahmed Alfateh Ata Almanan Abd Alraheem
Keywords: Quality of information - Financial reports - Financial corruption - Administrative corruption
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Following the Modern Trends for Internal Audit in the Reduction of Profit Management Practices. (A Field Study on Sudanese Banks)
Authors: Ahmed Yousif Maulood Ismail and Al hadi Adam Mohammed Ebrahim
Keywords: Housing role internal review, review of ethics, Graduate Management practices.
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Following the Contemporary Trends of Internal Audit in Supporting Accounting Information. (A Field Study on Sudanese Banks)
Authors: Ahmed Yousif Maulood Ismail and Al hadi Adam Mohammed Ebrahim
Keywords: Housing role internal review, Risk Management, Site accounting information.
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Employee Loyalty and Organizational Resilience of Commercial Banks in Rivers State, Nigeria
Authors: Dr. Nwiyii, Blessing Joseph, Dr. Amanawa, Ebiegberi David, Dr. Micah, Nyone Uelee
Keywords: Employee Loyalty, Organizational Resilience, Alertness, Agility, and Flexibility.
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