Vol. 4 - Issue 6 (June - 2020)

The Exploration of Etnomathematics of Sardine Fish Canning Process at CV. Pasific Harvest Muncar Banyuwangi
Authors: Nurul Fajriyah, Sunardi, Ridho Alfarisi
Keywords: ethnomathematics, sardine canning, test kit
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Proximate and Consumer Acceptability of Biscuits Produced From a Blend of Wheat and Local Sweet Potato Flour
Authors: John Adanse, Christina Abi Atingah, Evelyn Kodua
Keywords: sweet potato flour, composite biscuits, recipe formulation, consumer acceptability, proximate composition,
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Assessment of the Stress-Strain State of a Mountain Range
Authors: Kazakov Aziz Nigmanovich, Umirzoqov Azamat Abdurashidovich, Radjabov Shakxboz Kxolmamat o'g'li, Miltiqov Zuxriddin Do'smuhammad o'g'li
Keywords: Rock engineering, excavations, stress-strain state, mountain range, safe mining operations, mineral deposits, mining-induced fractures.
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Double Sequence Space of Fuzzy Real Numbers of Paranormed Type Defined By Double Orlicz Functions
Authors: Alaa Fawzi Dabbas and Ali Hussein Battor
Keywords: Solid space, symmetric space, fuzzy real numbers, completeness.
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Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Helminth Parasites of Sheep in Abeche Area, Ouaddai State, Chad
Authors: A. E. Bashar , O.H. Adam and A. A. Mohammed
Keywords: Sheep, GIT Helminth Parasites, prevalence, Ouaddai, Chad.
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The Role of Human Capital in Economic Growth of Pakistan
Authors: Dr.Jangraiz Khan, Dr.Iftikhar Ahmad, Dr. Suleman Amin and Sajad Ali
Keywords: Human Capital, Economic Growth, Education, health, Cointegration, Augmented,Dickey-Fuller
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A Goal Programming Approach to Resource Allocation in Geothermal Energy Projects
Authors: Kizito P. Mubiru, Christopher Senfuka, Maureen N. Ssempijja
Keywords: nergy; goal; geothermal; modeling; resources; projects
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Study on Costus Afer Juice and its Dried Peels as Coagulants for Treatment of Amassoma River Water in Niger Delta
Authors: Orlando Ketebu and Oyabewe Excellent Lucky
Keywords: ostus afer; Coagulant; Test jar; Water treatment; Turbidity; Total dissolved solid
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A Cross Sectional Study on Stunting Among Under Five Children With Associated Factors in Bangladesh
Authors: Kakoli Khatun, Roni Ahmed, Tasmim Zannat
Keywords: tunting; significant; predictors; outcome variable
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Agro Based and Alkaline Activated (NaOH) Nano-fertilizer using Ripe Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) Peels.
Authors: Yahaya Yakubu, Olabimtan Olabode .H, Aronimo Samuel. B & Asmita Basu
Keywords: Ripe plantain peel, Nano fertilizer, alkaline activation, pH, and image J nanoparticle software.
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Using Songs as Springboard to Teaching Poetry and Narratives towards Improved Comprehension
Authors: Mar Florence DC. Sebastian
Keywords: ong; poetry; narrative; improved comprehension; literature
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Analysis of Character Values on Student Thematic Books Grade IV on Various Accupations Edition Revision 2017 Themes
Authors: Emy Melisa Pratiwi , Yayuk Mardiati , Yuni Fitriyah Ningsih
Keywords: Character education, character values and integrated thematic books
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